by Tammie Fickas | May 11, 2023 | Three Things Thursday, Your Story
Ah, remember the excitement of summer break? I’m not a fan of the heat that comes with it, but something about summer makes me want to find an adventure. And when I say that, I don’t mean travel to Mordor to throw the ring into the fires of Mt Doom, although that...
by Tammie Fickas | May 9, 2023 | Journey, Living the Life You're Given, Your Story
Do you have a vision for your life? I’ve often dreamed of what I wanted my life to be, but I had difficulty making some of my dreams come true. Early last year, I focused on my health and realized I needed help to get where I wanted to be. I’d been following a health...
by Tammie Fickas | May 4, 2023 | Journey, Living the Life You're Given, Three Things Thursday, Your Story
Have you tried a solo vacation? I really like solo vacations. In 2008, I took my first solo trip and learned that these times can be fun and refreshing. Granted, I did fly to Indiana for a family event, but I had an airline credit, so I flew out early and stayed a few...
by Tammie Fickas | May 2, 2023 | Journey, Living the Life You're Given, Your Story
I am an imposter. On my About page, I call myself your adventure pal. But the truth is that I’m a fearful, anxiety-ridden person. I’ve spent a lot of time hiding from life. I talk a lot about stepping out and not being afraid to try new things, but inside I also have...
by Tammie Fickas | Apr 20, 2023 | Three Things Thursday
For Three Things Thursday this week: I’d like to share three things I’ve done over the years that maybe didn’t make sense to many people. 1) Selling my house Years ago, I bought a little house and settled in for what I thought would be the one I’d own forever. Then a...
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