by Tammie Fickas | Apr 27, 2023 | Three Things Thursday, Your Story
Often we don’t see ourselves the way God sees us. Today I’d like to share three Bible verses about how God views us. 1) Therefore there is now no condemnation at all for those who are in Christ Jesus. Romans 8:1 (nasb) No matter what has happened or what we’ve done,...
by Tammie Fickas | Apr 25, 2023 | Faith, Living the Life You're Given, Your Story
What do you do? This everyday small talk starter is a loaded question. Names and what we call ourselves are important. Typically when it’s asked, people want to know what job you hold to pay your mortgage. Your job title has probably rolled off your tongue many times...
by Tammie Fickas | Apr 20, 2023 | Three Things Thursday
For Three Things Thursday this week: I’d like to share three things I’ve done over the years that maybe didn’t make sense to many people. 1) Selling my house Years ago, I bought a little house and settled in for what I thought would be the one I’d own forever. Then a...
by Tammie Fickas | Apr 18, 2023 | Faith, Journey, Living the Life You're Given
Sometimes things don’t turn out the way we plan. That’s okay because our life doesn’t have to make sense. We all have dreams and ideas about what our lives should be, but what does it mean when things seemingly go off the rails? In the early...
by Tammie Fickas | Apr 13, 2023 | Three Things Thursday
This week on Three Things Thursday, I’m sharing with you three recent novels I loved. 1) Other Birds by Sarah Addison Allen Sarah writes the kind of stories I wish I could write. Her treatment of sensitive topics keeps her novels current and relevant. The...
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