Today I’m sharing three social media accounts I love to follow.

Facebook can be a time suck and a frustration, but it can also be a great place to connect and learn. Check out these three social media accounts. Click the headings to visit the account.

1) Train with Joan

This seventy-seven-year-old dynamo is a testament to never being too old to start something new. Five years ago, she weighed 198 pounds. With some encouragement from her daughter, Joan joined an online health community. Today you can find her lifting weights and living life to the fullest, all documented on social media. Her enthusiasm and vibrancy encourage me in my own health journey.

2) Katie Davis Majors

I first heard of Katie when she was eighteen and living in Uganda. She went there as a missionary and fell in love with the people and the country. Just barely an adult, alone in a foreign country, she began adopting young Ugandan girls while nurturing the people of the village where she lived and building Amazima Ministries. She’s since met her husband, added two boys to her family, and is now living in the United States with her family. Her love for Jesus and the people he’s placed in her life shines through her posts. Katie helps me to believe I can do anything as long as I partner with Jesus.

3) Kim Vogel Sawyer, Author/Speaker

I met Kim many years ago when she spoke at a writer’s retreat. After that retreat, we became friends on Facebook, and I’ve been following her journey. Kim is a lover of Jesus, wife to Don, mom to three girls, gramma to a whole passel of amazing grandkids, and animal mom to four cats and “That Dog.” In addition to writing incredible stories, Kim works tirelessly each year to pack the most fun Operation Christmas Child boxes. I admire Kim for so many reasons and love following her on social media.

Yep, when I get jaded by the less fun parts of social media, I remember people like these three social media accounts that  are part of the best part of the web.


Let’s chat: What social media accounts do you follow? What makes you want to have them in your online world?