Ah, summertime and the living is good! 

Most people think summertime is when the living is good, but I’m one of those weird people who hate summer. Yes, it’s true, and I hope it doesn’t change how you feel about me and my little corner of the web! 

1) Remember back when summer meant endless days of fun and games? 

Well, now we’re adults, and I, for one, am a little envious of kids who still get to enjoy those carefree times. As an adult, I still have to get up and go to work all summer long. If I choose to stay up late, I pay for it the next day, and I still have to get up, rise, and shine at a typical work hour. It’s tempting to miss those lighthearted days of yore, but I’ve learned how to channel those feelings.

Over the years, I’ve learned to embrace how things make me feel rather than the actual object or time. So, throughout the year, I plan trips or adventures that evoke summertime memories. In March, I went to Pennsylvania for a writer’s retreat. When planning that trip, I added extra time to explore Philly, New Jersey, Delaware, and Maryland. I stayed up late and enjoyed the beautiful views from my hotel room. Days were spent exploring new things. I even roamed around Philly on foot, which took me back to when my friends and sisters would take off in the neighborhood to search for fun.

2) The hotter, the better? Not for me!

I’ve never been a fan of the heat, and summer makes me crazy sometimes. Those days of running around in the sun all day are long gone. Now I’ve learned to enjoy the sunshine in smaller doses. During the day’s heat, you will find me in air-conditioned bliss. I can’t promise I don’t get cranky when it gets above 70, but I try to temper that. But I get in my groove in the cool mornings when the sun is still waking up or the later evenings when its fury has burned off.

3) Picnics and eating on the patio! Yep, I went there.

I’ve never been a fan of picnics or sitting outside for meals. I’d much rather enjoy my meals at a table in an air-conditioned restaurant. With this aspect again, I try to find times to enjoy the patio with my friends—mornings and evenings are my time.

So, while most people love summer when the living is good,  I’m not its biggest fan. Fall is much more my jam. 


Let’s chat: What’s your favorite season? How have you learned to enjoy the other seasons?