Do you have a vision for your life?

I’ve often dreamed of what I wanted my life to be, but I had difficulty making some of my dreams come true.

Early last year, I focused on my health and realized I needed help to get where I wanted to be. I’d been following a health coach on Facebook and appreciated her posts. I reached out to her, and after several conversations with her, I decided to join her program.

Robin Rhine McDonald is the founder of Madewell Health, where she helps people create sustainable, healthy lifestyles. As Robin came alongside me, she helped me create a vision for my health. That one activity has helped me to make changes to move toward my goal of a more healthy lifestyle. Robin will frequently ask me, “Does that choice align with your vision?”

Does that choice align with your vision?

This single question strikes me as an important one. Have you heard it said that you can’t keep doing the same thing and expect different outcomes? The wisdom in that is so simple. If I want things to change, I have to do things differently. When I make choices that don’t align with what I want, I can’t expect to get the outcome I want.

Since Robin helped me create a vision, I’ve refined it to keep moving in the direction I want my health to go. I’ve also used this concept to help focus other areas of my life. One important place I’ve done that is in my writing.

You see, for a long time, I’ve believed that God gave me the talent of writing to encourage other women.

I’ve longed to do this but have yet to make much progress. Then at the end of March, I spent a weekend with writer friends, and during that time, I had a clear vision of how I should be using my words. And I realized that the things I had been doing or not doing weren’t getting me there. My choices needed to align with my vision.

When it comes to vision, Robin has been actively living out her dream and goals. Her new Vision Driven Health podcast went live yesterday. She wanted to do this for a while now, and it’s finally out there for the world. I encourage you to check it out here or where ever you listen to podcasts.

Working to make my choices match my vision has helped me move forward. This blog is an example of that. It’s easier to get to where you want to go if you make choices that support that path.


Let’s chat: Where do you need to align your choices with your vision?


Image by No Name 13 on Pixabay