Are there chances you regret not taking? How about dreams you’ve put aside? Do you ever wish your life was different? What is holding you back from taking chances and fulfilling your God-given purpose?
For me, the answer to that question is fear and more questions. What if I fail? Or look like a fool? I let the what if’s hold me back and keep me in my shell. It’s hard to face the fact that acting on my dreams and chances may come with failure. Sometimes it’s easier to just stay put. The only problem with staying put is that it’s boring and it prevents me from fulfilling the true calling in my life.
God’s word tells us that He has a purpose for our lives. The talents we have and the dreams we cherish are His way of working through us. If we live in the fear, we will never truly know what He can do through us. Nothing in His word promises it will be easy. As we read through the Bible, we see that His people have always faced adversity in their lives despite His purpose. He didn’t even hold back pain, suffering, and death from His own son while Jesus was accomplishing the greatest purpose of all times.
Being afraid of stepping into our purpose is not bad. It’s human. We don’t disappoint God because we’re afraid. He understands, but He wants us to trust that He has a plan. If we step up in faith and take the chance, we allow Him to use us.
The truth is, if God is for us, we can’t fail. Ultimately, we don’t always know the purpose of what we’re called to in this life. The lesson may be in my stepping out and not in my success. Someone may need to see that it’s okay to try and not succeed. This is one of the things that keeps me plugging away even when it’s hard or I’m scared.
None of this is about me. It’s about God and what He has done for me. Whether I’m writing or jumping out of a plane, my life is lived for an audience of one. The only thing that matters is whether my Lord is behind my endeavors. If He’s not with me, I can’t look fear in the face and move forward. I don’t have the courage without my Lord.
What keeps you going while pursuing your purpose?
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